Friday, February 5, 2010

Tattoo to symbolize a family splitting in two, and growing anew?

My parents were divorced and both remarried, and now I've married. I want a tattoo to symbolize the split, and growing into a new one.Tattoo to symbolize a family splitting in two, and growing anew?
The first thing that came to mind was a tree splitting in two but still alive on both sides. %26lt;3Tattoo to symbolize a family splitting in two, and growing anew?
my friend wanted a tattoo that had symbolic meaning but couldn't think of anything for the situation, so instead she got a friend of hers who wa a poet to write a short riddle, which she got tattooed on her hip in beautiful celtic lettering. try something like that if you can't think of any images
pretty strange, all thre of us had the same imagery in mind. check out carl jung about collective unconsciousness. i would do teh tree split by lightning, but with a new one growing up through the middle. we're all on teh same page though.
How about a tree split in half with new branches forming on each side

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