Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Where do I find out about splitting my 6 acres into 3, 2 acre parcels?

I need to know what county office would handle the application to split property, also what forms I would need to file, cost, ect.Where do I find out about splitting my 6 acres into 3, 2 acre parcels?
Usually an office with one of these words: planning, zoning, development, code or inspections. If you have none of those, check with the clerk of court or tax assessor/collector... I'll bet you have on of those. In most cases with a subdivision that small, you can have a surveyor draw off the divided property into a new plat and record that at the clerk of court's office.Where do I find out about splitting my 6 acres into 3, 2 acre parcels?
What ever county you are in will be able to tell you the cost. They will also be able to either mail, email, or fax you the necessary forms needed.

In some instances you will have to get a surveyor to ensure that the lots are divided according to the appropriate zoning.

You might be required to change the zoning if you modify the property and break into the two lots.

I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.

What state and county (or city if you don't know county)??
Heh guys for this kind of answer we need to know where the property is located but, in GENERAL, it is the department of building and zoning. They will have some sort of commission that sits and decides how best to divide up your area for highest and best use of land and facilities. Remember there are rules for how many units can be on a particular parcel due to the supply of facilities, from fire and ambulance to schools road etc. Very interesting side of the business.

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