Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Last night I was texted by my girlfriend of almost 2 years, who wants to see me today because she feels things aren't going well and we are splitting apart...

So I'm going over her house this afternoon and I'm full of anxiety. Not only this but I don't feel the same way and I still love her to pieces, and I don't think I can bear going over there, although I definately will because I am not a coward.

I just want to know what I should say and do, how I can cheer myself up a little because I feel absolutely heart-broken and clueless.

Explain your true feelings to her, keep clean, be honest, tht's all she can expect. Cheering yourself up;; Take your mind off of the situation, this is not the end of te world, there are loads more cute girls out there. Other people are in worse situations than you, although at this stage it does not feel like it. Good Luck ,xSplitting...?
She cares about you very much if she actually had the balls to call you and schedule a face to face. Most rude females will breakup with guys over texts or emails... which only shows that they have no care about the other's feelings.

She's obviously a good woman and I'm sorry to hear things seem to be heading to an end.

There is nothing in this world that can cheer a broken heart.. it's ok to just take some time to yourself in private. If it's all possible I would suggest you work on maintaining a good relationship with her after the fact. Perhaps this time off will allow you to start anew.. I don't want to give you any hopes.. but still, sometimes some time apart is good for some relationships and work out better than before..

Read you later!
I know how you feel and it is such a terrible gut wrenching feeling.

There is 2 situations here - either a) she already has her mind made up. In which case there isn't really anything you can do. You will be devestated but you will, over time, get better and slowly see the light again. or b) she is unhappy with the relationship but wants it to work. In which case you need to hear her out, talk and listen, and then together work out a way to go forward.

I hope it works out for the best...good luck.

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